Have you ever been to a holiday cookie swap? This was my first one and it was hosted by a few NYC food bloggers. Check out links to some of the cookies that were brought to the swap!Ok. So my Monday Musings post have not quite happened every Monday. I've been feeling a little swamped on the social calendar so the blogging has been really slow. I am mentally preparing myself for a better and more organized 2011! If all goes as planned, there will be more frequent posts! Now on to something to think about this week...
Are you still unprepared for next week's Holiday parties and meals? It's not too late to organize a holiday cookie swap with some friends this week. It's fun, full of surprise and so practical. The basic idea is to bake a batch of one kind of cookie and go home with lots of different kinds.
Last Friday, I had the pleasure of joining some fabulous foodies for a holiday cookie swap. It was my first time at a cookie swap and my first time meeting some of the people I have connected with through Twitter and blogging. The swap was thrown by Chris (@thepeche), Maggy (@threemanycooks), Gail (@OneToughCookie), and Abby (@abbydodge). The photo above is just a few of the cookies from the two dozen or so people that were at the cookie fest. (I would love to have posted a photo of each one but some of them got a little banged up on the way home...and a few may have been eaten too!) For my part, I made these Peppermint Chocolate Crinkle Cookies. The recipe was from the very talented Naomi of Bakers Royale.
Check out these links to posts and recipes from the NYC Holiday Cookie Swap I attended...
Three Many Cook's Cookie Swap Post
High/Low Food/Drink's Cookie Swap Post
Sweet Savory Living's Pecan Balls Recipe
Mrs. WheelBarrow's Grasshopper Squares
Food Mayhem's Black and White Kisses
Hungry Rabbit's Salted Praline Batons
Adirondack Chick's Cookie Swap Post
Margaret @ Savory Sweet Living says
The cookie swap was such a fun way to meet fellow bloggers, and so great to have met you last week. Thanks for including a link to my post.